Cardiff Metropolitan University

(Re)Considering Pedagogy – Entangled ontology in a complex age: abstraction pedagogy and the critical pedagogical importance of art education for other discipline areas

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This paper followed on from work that I presented at the iJADE international conference in March 2021 titled 'Hybrid Spaces: Re-imagining pedagogy, practice and research' (iJADE 2021).
This article argues that a UK education system is required such that it specifically recognises the particular dynamic, co-constructive nature of complex and rapid contemporary entanglements (both human and non-human) and how they inform the epistemic and ontological development of students. This article draws from posthumanist theory and uses the concept of ‘lifeworld’ to cast new light on the lived-experiences of contemporary children to inform pedagogy. It is part of a doctoral research into the wider pedagogical value of the teaching and assessment of processes of abstraction deployed in art practice.


Published in

International Journal of Art and Design Education



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  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)


Barritt, L. (2021) 'Considering Pedagogy–Entangled Ontology in a Complex Age: Abstraction Pedagogy and the Critical Pedagogical Importance of Art Education for Other Discipline Areas', International Journal of Art & Design Education. DOI: 10.1111/jade.12391

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Cardiff Met Affiliation

  • Cardiff School of Art and Design

Cardiff Met Authors

Laura Barritt

Cardiff Met Research Centre/Group


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  • © The Publisher

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