Cardiff Metropolitan University

Culture and Climate Risk / Diwylliant a Risg Hinsawdd

Posted on 2024-08-12 - 12:26

Currently, there is limited empirical research that has been conducted to enhance understanding of the challenges and transformations resulting from the influence of climate change on social, linguistic, heritage, and cultural aspects in Wales. This study is timely given the national and global endeavours to tackle the challenges that current and future generations encounter regarding global warming, rising sea levels, extreme weather, and escalating global temperatures.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae ymchwil empirig gyfyngedig wedi'i chwblhau sy'n datblygu gwybodaeth i heriau a newidiadau oherwydd effaith newid hinsawdd ar fywyd cymdeithasol, ieithyddol, threftadaeth a diwylliant yng Nghymru. Mae’r gwaith ymchwil yma yn amserol o ystyried yr ymdrech genedlaethol a byd-eang i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau y mae pobl heddiw, a rhai yfory yn eu hwynebu, sy’n ymwneud â chynhesu byd-eang, lefelau’r môr yn codi, tywydd eithafol a chynnydd yn nhymheredd y byd.

This paper highlights the importance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Wales and considers their preservation and promotion with climate change in mind. As reported in this paper, climate change will inevitably impact Welsh culture. However, culture also contributes to climate change. We will be forced to consider climate change's impact on our festivals and events, such as the National Eisteddfod, and on our other cultural activities, such as leisure and sport. There have been reports in the past year that have already identified climate change's impact on UK heritage, and we don’t want to fall behind in our attempts to adapt and become resilient in Wales. It is time that we think differently, outside of the status quo, and continue to be world-leading in our evolutionary practices related to promoting the well-being of current and future generations and leading the way in cultural climate resilience planning. 

Mae’r papur hwn yn amlygu pwysigrwydd treftadaeth ddiwylliannol diriaethol ac anniriaethol yng Nghymru, gan ystyried eu cadw a’u hyrwyddo gan ystyried newid yn yr hinsawdd. Mae’n anochel y bydd newid yn yr hinsawdd yn effeithio ar ddiwylliant Cymru, ac mae diwylliant ei hun yn cyfrannu at newid hinsawdd. Rhaid inni ystyried ei effeithiau ar wyliau a digwyddiadau, megis yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, ac ar weithgareddau diwylliannol eraill megis hamdden a chwaraeon. Mae adroddiadau eisoes wedi nodi effaith newid yn yr hinsawdd ar dreftadaeth y DU, a rhaid i Gymru ymdrechu i addasu a meithrin gwytnwch. Mae’n bryd meddwl yn wahanol, symud y tu hwnt i’r status quo, ac arwain y gwaith o hyrwyddo llesiant cenedlaethau’r presennol a’r dyfodol drwy gynllunio cadernid hinsawdd ddiwylliannol. 


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