- Barriers and enablers to undergraduate music students undertaking a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) secondary music programme
- Pioneer teachers: How far can individual teachers achieve agency within curriculum development?
- Curriculum integration: the challenges for primary and secondary schools in developing a new curriculum in the expressive arts
- Perceptions of the New Role of the Research Champion in Developing a New ITE Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities for Schools and Universities
- Canfyddiadau Rôl Newydd yr Hyrwyddwyr Ymchwil wrth Ddatblygu Partneriaeth AGA Newydd: Heriau a Chyfleoedd i Ysgolion a Phrifysgolion
- Secondary music teachers: a case study at a time of education reform in Wales
- Pedagogy versus performance in primary classroom music teaching: Lessons from a ‘usable past’ in Wales
- Addysgeg o gymharu â pherfformiad wrth addysgu cerddoriaeth yn y dosbarth cynradd: Gwersi o ‘orffennol defnyddiadwy’ yng Nghymru
- Musical identity, pedagogy, and creative dispositions: Exploring the experiences of popular musicians during their postgraduate teacher education in a changing Welsh education landscape
- Integreiddio’r cwricwlwm
- Secondary music teachers
- Musical identity, pedagogy, and creative dispositions
- Emma and Tom Talk Teaching
- Are we nearly there yet? 25 years of initial teacher education policy in Wales
- Ydyn ni bron yno? 25 mlynedd o bolisi addysg gychwynnol i athrawon yng Nghymru