The Role of Children in The Family Buying Process: A Comparative Analysis between The British Bangladeshi and Bangladeshi Families
In today's business world, the role of children in the family buying decision-making process is continuously getting the importance and attention of researchers, academics, and business organizations. The depth of children‟s influence on the family is still untapped in the contemporary research process. Changes in socioeconomic and demographic structures considerably increase the involvement of children in their family decision making. This has created an analysis gap in this field of study. No prior research was conducted in this field of study with particular reference to Bangladesh Bangladeshi and the British Bangladeshi children. The main area of interest of the thesis is to explore the role of children in the family buying process. The review of the literature proposes a conceptual framework/model which considers different socioeconomic and demographic factors. The literature does not only describe the influence of children in the family buying decision stages, but it also discusses the degree and influence of other factors. A detailed comparison is made of the roles between children in Bangladesh Bangladeshi and the British Bangladeshi families. The pedagogical conceptual framework works as a precursor to form the research hypotheses used to analyze the data more critically. A cluster random sampling was used to collect the data from the United Kingdom and Bangladesh. Data was collected directly from 200 respondents through the structured questionnaire system. Secondary data was used to analyze the research gap. A structured questionnaire was pre-tested in order to measure the validity, reliability and proper justification of the conduct of the study. Statistical tools were used to analyze the descriptive and multivariate analysis for the quantitative data. Analysis of the data assisted in testing the hypotheses guiding the study and explored new research phenomena in which the role of children in the family buying decision-making process was identified. Any research gap will form the recommendations of the study.
- School of Management
Qualification level
- Doctoral
Qualification name
- PhD