Prevalence and clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in Welsh adolescents
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and clustering of
cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in Welsh adolescents from different
socioeconomic status (SES) and ethnicity. A cohort of 490 boys and 657 girls, aged
12.6 + 0.7 years, were assessed for CVD risk factors. Socioeconomic status was
determined by school attended, and ethnicity via self-reporting. Measurements included
indices of obesity, blood pressure, diet, physical activity, aerobic fîtness, blood lipids
and lipoproteins, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and high-molecular
weight (HMW) adiponectin. Two or more risk factors were present in 37.4Yo of the
cohort, with 32.IYo classed as overweight and 37.2% reported as unfit. Moreover,
75.5% consumed diets high in saturated fat and 13.3% had elevated total cholesterol
(TC) levels. Low SES adolescents had higher levels of adiposity and higher blood
pressure, lower fitness levels, a more atherogenic blood lipid profile and consumed diets
lower in fibre content, compared to adolescents from a higher SES. Ethnic minority
adolescents had signif,rcantly higher body fat and blood pressure levels, and
signihcantly lower fitness levels compared to White adolescents. Overweight
individuals had an increased clustering of risk factors. Adiposity was significantly
associated with blood pressure and blood lipid measures. However, TC, hs-CRP and
HMW-adiponectin were significantly associated with central skinfold measures. Fitness
was found to be associated with blood lipids, hs-CRP and HMW-adiponectin. Fibre
intake was significantly associated with a greater number of CVD risk factors compared
to fat intake. Adolescents from a low SES and/or from an ethnic minority population
exhibit a higher number of risk factors compared to White adolescents and those from a
higher SES. Future interventions that are developed must target increasing physical
activity and fitness levels and decreasing adiposity levels, with special consideration
and attention given to those populations with increased prevalence of risk factors.
- School of Sport and Health Sciences
Qualification level
- Doctoral
Qualification name
- PhD