Does State of Being and Dynamic Movement have a relationship with Creativity?
Creativity research is a fast growing area of research. In our modern society there
is recognition that creativity is becoming more and more important (Adobe
Survey, 2012). David Bohm and David Peat applied a universal approach to
explaining creativity. Peat and Bohm explain the movement that occurs in the
creative process by way of intrinsic and generative orders. They also highlight the
importance of 'state of being' and an interaction both externally and internally of a
person in the creative process. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who is a well-respected
modern researcher of creativity, also includes aspects of state of being in his flow
concept, as well as pointing out the importance of interaction and feedback from
an external world.
This doctoral research series is based on three main factors - my 15-year self-study
as a practising artist, an analysis of contemporary creativity and mind theories and
empirically testing the key propositions that arise from these analyses in eight
seperate studies. The research explores whether there is a relationship between
'state of being', 'dynamic movement' and creativity.
The contribution to knowledge are clear definitions of 'state of being' and 'dynamic
movement' and a practical application of these terms in the context of creativity.
The methodology used to empirically explore the relationship of these propositions
could also be regarded as a contribution to knowledge as it extends the
triangulation metholology to include 'dynamic movement'. The results from the
eight studies start to show a relationship between 'state of being', 'dynamic
movement' and creativity.
- School of Art and Design
Qualification level
- Doctoral
Qualification name
- PhD