Cardiff Metropolitan University

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World Rugby Return to Rugby Postpartum Guidelines

online resource
posted on 2024-02-29, 09:25 authored by Izzy MooreIzzy Moore, Jo Perkins, Gráinne Donnelly

A six-phased evidence-informed, return to rugby postpartum guideline has been presented that uses a whole-systems, biopsychosocial approach. The progressions and examples provided are not meant to be prescriptive but provide a template that should be tailored to individual needs. A checklist has been created for clinicians to use as they support players to return to rugby postpartum as well as a medical assessment form. Rugby clubs should view the postpartum period as an opportunity to optimise a player’s technical and physical abilities, whilst considering their mental health. Support staff should be cognizant of the fact that motherhood can be a daunting time that is constantly changing. Therefore, a player’s phased return to rugby needs to be adaptable, placing the mother and child at its centre.

Both Elite (professional) and Community (recreational) level guidelines are provided under the same DOI and can be accessed here.


World Rugby
