Cardiff Metropolitan University

Stance limb kinetics of older male athletes endurance running performance

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-05-03, 16:05 authored by Ceri Diss, Marianne Gittoes, Richard Tong, David G. Kerwin

 The aim of this study was to examine the age-based, lower limb kinetics of running performances of endurance athletes. Six running trials were performed by 24 male athletes, who were distinguished by three age groupings (S35: 26–32 years, M50: 50–54 years, M60 þ : 60–68 years). Lower limb coordinate and ground reaction force data were collected using a nine camera infra-red system synchronised with a force plate. A slower anteroposterior (M ^ SD S35 ¼ 4.13 ^ 0.54 m/s: M60þ ¼3.34 ^ 0.40 m/s, p , 0.05) running velocity was associated with significant (p , 0.05) decreases in step length and discrete vertical ground contact force between M60 þ and S35 athletes. The M60 þ athletes simultaneously generated a 32% and 42% reduction (p , 0.05) in ankle joint moment when compared to the M50 and S35 athletes and 72% (p , 0.05) reduction in knee joint stiffness when compared to S35 athletes. Age-based declines in running performance were associated with reduced stance phase force tolerance and generation that may be accounted for due to an inhibited force–velocity muscular function of the lower limb. Joint-specific coaching strategies customised to athlete age are warranted to maintain/enhance athletes’ dynamic performance. 


Published in

Sports Biomechanics


Taylor & Francis


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)


Diss, C., Gittoes, M.J., Tong, R. and Kerwin, D.G. (2015) 'Stance limb kinetics of older male athletes endurance running performance', Sports Biomechanics, 14(3), pp.300-309

Print ISSN


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Cardiff Met Affiliation

  • Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences

Cardiff Met Authors

Marianne Gittoes

Cardiff Met Research Centre/Group

  • Applied Injury Science

Copyright Holder

  • © The Publisher


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