Cardiff Metropolitan University

Scanlon, D., Calderón, A. and MacPhail, A., (2021). Teacher agency in enacting physical education in a period of curriculum change and reform in Ireland Asiantaeth athrawon wrth weithredu addysg gorfforol mewn cyfnod o newid a diwygio'r cwricwlwm yn Iwerddon.. The Curriculum Journal, 32(1), pp.48-66. Available on EBSCO via teachers’ PLP

journal contribution
posted on 2022-06-28, 11:47 authored by Gemma MitchellGemma Mitchell

Scanlon, D., Calderón, A. and MacPhail, A., (2021). Teacher agency in enacting physical education in a period of curriculum change and reform in Ireland/ Asiantaeth athrawon wrth weithredu addysg gorfforol mewn cyfnod o newid a diwygio'r cwricwlwm yn Iwerddon.. The Curriculum Journal, 32(1), pp.48-66. 

Available on EBSCO via teachers’ PLP 

Abstract: Drawing on the concept of agency and teacher agency and engaging with figurational sociology, this paper explores the extent to which teacher agency plays a role in one teacher’s enactment of a new school subject (Leaving Certificate Physical Education (LCPE), an examinable subject assessed in a high-stakes environment) in a period of curriculum change and reform in Irish post-primary schools. Through a case study design, one teacher was interviewed regularly (19 times) during their 1st year of teaching LCPE. The findings are presented in three teaching episodes. In analysing the three teaching episodes, the process (and fluctuation) of achieving agency is evident. The achievement of agency should not be conceptualised as a product (achieved) but rather, it should be viewed as something that is processual (achieving). We offer a figurational viewpoint of teacher agency through a constructed Figure in the paper. We argue that it is impossible to link the achievement of agency with one element (including the teacher). It is the combination of interdependent relationships (past and present, recognised and unrecognised) in a teacher’s figuration, the overarching social processes, and the contextual and structural factors surrounding and within a figuration. The paper provides considerations in how best to support teachers in their process of achieving agency.’ 

Crynodeb: Gan ddefnyddio'r cysyniad o asiantaeth ac asiantaeth athrawon ac ymgysylltu â chymdeithaseg ffurfweddu, mae'r papur hwn yn archwilio i ba raddau y mae asiantaeth athrawon yn chwarae rhan yn y gwaith o ddeddfu pwnc ysgol newydd gan un athro (Gadael Tystysgrif Addysg Gorfforol (LCPE), pwnc y gellir ei archwilio a asesir mewn amgylchedd uchel ei gyfran) mewn cyfnod o newid a diwygio'r cwricwlwm mewn ysgolion ôl-gynradd yn Iwerddon. Drwy gynllun astudiaeth achos, cafodd un athro ei gyfweld yn rheolaidd (19 gwaith) yn ystod eu blwyddyn gyntaf o addysgu LCPE. Cyflwynir y canfyddiadau mewn tair pennod addysgu. Wrth ddadansoddi'r tair pennod addysgu, mae'r broses (ac amrywiadau) o gyflawni asiantaeth yn amlwg. Ni ddylid cysyniadu cyflawniad asiantaeth fel cynnyrch (wedi'i gyflawni) ond yn hytrach, dylid ei ystyried yn rhywbeth sy'n brosesol (cyflawni). Rydym yn cynnig safbwynt ffigurol o asiantaeth athrawon drwy Ffigur a adeiladwyd yn y papur. Dadleuwn ei bod yn amhosibl cysylltu cyflawniad asiantaeth ag un elfen (gan gynnwys yr athro). Dyma'r cyfuniad o gydberthnasau rhyngddibynnol (yn y gorffennol a'r presennol, wedi'u cydnabod a heb eu cydnabod) yn ffigurau athro, y prosesau cymdeithasol trosfwaol, a'r ffactorau cyd-destunol a strwythurol sy'n gysylltiedig ag ac o fewn ffigurau. Mae'r papur yn ystyried y ffordd orau o gefnogi athrawon yn eu proses o gyflawni asiantaeth.' 


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