Monetisation of digital health data through a GDPR-compliant and blockchain enabled digital health data marketplace: A proposal to enhance patient's engagement with health data repositories
With the growing use of digital technologies, the vision of a predictive, preventive and personalised healthcare system, commonly termed healthcare 4.0, is becoming tangible. However, the manifestation of healthcare 4.0 relies on empowering patients as active stakeholders of the healthcare system and transforming traditionally siloed data repositories into accessible ones. Combining blockchain-like distributed technology and Airbnb-like sharing economy model, this paper proposes a digital health data marketplace (DHDM) through which patients, as the data producer, can sell their health data to data consumers like medical practitioners, researchers, policymakers and machine learning algorithm developers without compromising privacy and security. In conjunction with the Welsh Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank, a traditional centralised and siloed data repository, DHDM was evaluated in a simulated environment to understand the technical feasibility, regulation compliance and, most importantly, the impact of such marketplace on healthcare 4.0 transformation.
Published in
International Journal of Information Management Data InsightsPublisher
- VoR (Version of Record)
Maher, M., Khan, I., & Prikshat, V. (2023) 'Monetisation of digital health data through a GDPR-compliant and blockchain enabled digital health data marketplace: A proposal to enhance patient's engagement with health data repositories', International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 3(1), 100159.Electronic ISSN
2667-0968Cardiff Met Affiliation
- Cardiff School of Technologies
- Cardiff School of Management
Cardiff Met Authors
Imtiaz Khan Verma PrikshatCopyright Holder
- © The Authors
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