Cardiff Metropolitan University
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Molla, T. and Nolan, A., (2020). Teacher agency and professional practice. Asiantaeth athrawon ac ymarfer proffesiynol Teachers and Teaching, 26(1), pp.67-87.

journal contribution
posted on 2022-06-28, 11:47 authored by Gemma MitchellGemma Mitchell

‘ABSTRACT: Drawing on the capability approach to human development and Bourdieuan reflexive sociology, this paper explores the interplay of teacher agency and professional practice. The paper names five facets of teacher agency. It shows that teachers with a strong sense of agency actively seek learning opportunities—inquisitive agency; think effortfully about their beliefs and practices—deliberative agency; demand to be valued and respected for their professional work—recognitive agency; are committed to addressing educational disadvantages—responsive agency; and act ethically and make morally justifiable decisions—moral agency. Professional learning experiences that problematise practice and context of practice are proposed as an instrument for building teacher agency.’ 

''Crynodeb: Gan ddefnyddio'r dull gallu o ddatblygu dynol a chymdeithaseg atblygol Bourdieuan, mae'r papur hwn yn archwilio'r rhyngweithio rhwng asiantaethau athrawon ac ymarfer proffesiynol. Mae'r papur yn enwi pum agwedd ar asiantaeth athrawon. Mae'n dangos bod athrawon sydd ag ymdeimlad cryf o asiantaeth yn mynd ati i chwilio am gyfleoedd dysgu—asiantaeth chwilfrydig; meddwl yn ymdrechgar am eu credoau a'u harferion—asiantaeth fwriadol; y galw i gael eu gwerthfawrogi a'u parchu am eu gwaith proffesiynol—asiantaeth ail-gysylltiedig; wedi ymrwymo i fynd i'r afael ag anfanteision addysgol—asiantaeth ymatebol; a gweithredu'n foesegol a gwneud penderfyniadau y gellir eu cyfiawnhau'n foesol—asiantaeth foesol. Cynigir profiadau dysgu proffesiynol sy'n rhoi problemau i ymarfer a chyd-destun ymarfer fel offeryn ar gyfer adeiladu asiantaeth athrawon.' 
