The study explores the entrepreneurial experiences of sport coaches/instructors and their operation, thus contributing to a nascent literature. There is minimal literature evaluating entrepreneurial experiences in different occupational contexts. This is particularly true in newer entrepreneurial occupations such as sports coaches/instructors and how they function as business owners. This study considers the challenges, drivers, motivations and perceptions sport coaches/instructors exhibit and face. The results provided a plurality of diverse practice and attitudes towards self-employment sports coaches/instructors. In terms of motivations, respondents revealed both necessity and personal enjoyment as a driver to career choice. Respondents stressed the challenges involved with self-employment sports coaching, which included time management and problems with financing the business.
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Jones, P., Jones, A., Williams-Burnett, N. and Ratten, V. (2017) 'Let’s get physical: Stories of entrepreneurial activity from sports coaches/instructors', The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 18(4), pp.219-230