Cardiff Metropolitan University

Improving resource-constrained IoT device lifetimes by mitigating redundant transmissions across heterogeneous wireless multimedia of things

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posted on 2023-08-07, 15:08 authored by Muhammad Salah ud Din, Muhammad Atif Ur Rehman, Rehmat UllahRehmat Ullah, Chan Won Park, Dae Ho Kim, Byung-seo Kim

In Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs), nodes capable of retrieving video, audio, images, and small scale sensor data, tend to generate immense traffic of various types. The energy-efficient transmission of such a vast amount of heterogeneous multimedia content while simultaneously ensuring the quality of service and optimal energy consumption is indispensable. Therefore, we propose a Power-Efficient Wireless Multimedia of Things (PE-WMoT), a robust and energy-efficient cluster-based mechanism to improve the overall lifetime of WMSNs. In a PE-WMoT, nodes declare themselves Cluster Heads (CHs) based on available resources. Once cluster formation and CH declaration processes are completed, the Sub-Cluster (SC) formation process triggers, in which application base nodes within close vicinity of each other organize themselves under the administration of a Sub-Cluster Head (SCH). The SCH gathers data from member nodes, removes redundancies, and forwards miniaturized data to its respective CH. PE-WMoT adopts a fuzzy-based technique named the analytical hierarchical process, which enables CHs to select an optimal SCH among available SCs. A PE-WMoT also devises a robust scheduling mechanism between CH, SCH, and child nodes to enable collision-free data transmission. Simulation results revealed that a PE-WMoT significantly reduces the number of redundant packet transmissions, improves energy consumption of the network, and effectively increases network throughput.


This work was supported in part by the Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2018-0-01411, A Micro-Service IoTWare Framework Technology Development for Ultra small IoT Device) and in part by 2021 Hongik University Innovation Support program Fund.





  • VoR (Version of Record)


Rehman, M. A. U., Ullah, R., Park, C. W., Kim, D. H., & Kim, B. S. (2022) 'Improving resource-constrained IoT device lifetimes by mitigating redundant transmissions across heterogeneous wireless multimedia of things', Digital Communications and Networks, 8(5), 778-790.

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Cardiff Met Affiliation

  • Cardiff School of Technologies

Cardiff Met Authors

Rehmat Ullah

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  • © The Authors


  • en

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