Modelling and control of an elastically joint-actuated cart-pole underactuated system
This paper investigates the modelling and closedloop tracking control issues of a novel elastic underactuated multibody system. A torsional inverted pendulum cart-pole system with a single rotary actuator at the pivot of the cart is proposed. The system dynamics which incorporates with motion planning is firstly described. An optimization procedure is then discussed to plan the feasible trajectories that not just meet the performance requirements but also obtain optimality with respect to the cart displacement and average velocity. A closed-loop tracking controller is designed under collocated partial feedback linearization (CPFL). Subsequent presentation of simulation demonstrates that the proposed system is promising as compared to the previous work. The paper concludes with the application of our novel scheme to the design and control of autonomous robot systems
Presented at
2014 20th International Conference on Automation and ComputingPublished in
2014 20th International Conference on Automation and ComputingPublisher
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Liu, P., Yu, H. and Cang, S. (2014) 'Modelling and control of an elastically joint-actuated cart-pole underactuated system',. In Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2014 20th International Conference on (pp. 26-31). IEEE.ISBN
978-1-9095-2202-2Cardiff Met Affiliation
- Cardiff School of Technologies
Cardiff Met Authors
Pengcheng LiuCopyright Holder
- © The Publisher
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